StartXchange Traffic Exchange

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Favorite Time of the Day

Every night around 8 pm either myself or my wife - or - as is usually the case - both of us - puts our 20-month old daughter to bed. The routine is usually say a prayer thanking God for Olivia and asking that He would grant her a good night's sleep; a hug for mommy, a hug for daddy; then into the crib.

There is one point during this process that usually fills my eyes w/ the stuff of tears. It is the point that Olivia nestles her head against my shoulder as i am holding her. It is a moment of total surrender and total reliance. She is telling me without words....

"I love you and trust you, daddy...I have no idea what this world is about - but I know you are here to care for me and protect me."

This single moment makes every difficulty, inconvenience, annoyance, perplexment, disdain, aggravation, every dirty diaper, every snotty nose and all other negatives concerning caring for a toddler - worth every bit of the ride.

Many of you have been through this - if so, take a moment to reflect on the times that you had w/ your infant/toddler and remember that you were the most important person on earth to someone at sometime. Put that memory in a place where you can always access it.

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